Bridging the gap in the digital transition


Bridging the gap in the digital transition

PrintPal is your on-demand solution to expensive bulky printers! Inspired by Uber, this app allows users to find or offer local print shops and services. By offering a personalized, privacy friendly experience, we allow users to maximize efficiency.

PrintPal has it's own payment system called PrintSafe. To avoid scams and earn trust for our users, we hold the money until the service is confirmed by both involved parties (seller and buyer). That way, PrintPal has no worries of possible users ruining other people's customer experience.

The screenshots below are actual screenshots from the app in development phase. Download it now!

Screenshot voor project PrintPal
Screenshot voor project PrintPal
Screenshot voor project PrintPal
Screenshot voor project PrintPal
Screenshot voor project PrintPal
Screenshot voor project PrintPal

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