Maloha Chinese
Marleen van Lubeek
Chinese learning app

Maloha Chinese

Chinese learning app

If you start learning a new language, the fastest way to learn it is to start speaking it. You need to practice conversations to learn to understand what someone is saying and to learn to respond quickly.

My solution is an app in which you can train basic conversations over and over again, so you can quickly become fluent, even though you don’t know a lot of words yet. This app focuses on listening and speaking, rather than reading and writing. In each level, you can practice a different basic conversation. Every level has a song with the words of that level, to remember the words better. The app will mimic a conversation by asking spontaneous questions so you can practice listening and understanding, and your speed in answering.

This webapp is made with VueJs, a speech to text API and a sound editing program for the music. The speech to text API was the biggest challenge, because it cannot understand you very easily if you have a foreign accent.

Screenshot voor project Maloha Chinese
Screenshot voor project Maloha Chinese
Screenshot voor project Maloha Chinese
Screenshot voor project Maloha Chinese

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