Yorick Van de Venne
Transport made accessible


Transport made accessible

Small and medium-sized e-commerce businesses struggle with getting all their collected cargo transported in a cheap manner. When the cargo is getting too large for a single truck, they would have to consider putting some cargo back in storage or to send another truck; both are not ideal. Simultaneously, a lot of the truck drivers are getting underpaid, especially drivers from foreign countries with no minimum wage. These businesses need a way to transport their remaining cargo, and the drivers need more job opportunities or better paychecks.

Cargoly offers an online platform where small and medium-sized e-commerce businesses and drivers can exchange supply and demand. This way, businesses have a flexible way of getting their cargo transported and drivers have more job opportunities and independence. Cargoly handles the recruiting of drivers, something that businesses do not have the time for, as well as making sure that drivers are getting a fair price for their labour with a fixed price calculation.

Screenshot voor project Cargoly
Screenshot voor project Cargoly
Screenshot voor project Cargoly
Screenshot voor project Cargoly

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