Minor Game Design & Development

Minor Game Design & Development

The official page with information for active students in the Minor can be found at HINT. This page only provides basic information for people interested in our education.

The Minor Game Design & Development offers students half a year of full time game development in our virtual company EZGames. They produce great games that get played all over the world and win industry awards. A small selection is available on this site to give you an impression of the minor's content. Maybe your next game will be too? Are you an active student with interest to join us? Contact us via HINT if you're interested in joining our program!

The most well known game eventually developed into a company, called "We were Here".

Awards and Recognition

  • Nominee Dutch Game Awards (Best Student Game) - the Netherlands - 2017
  • Nominee Dutch Game Awards (Gamekings Award) - the Netherlands - 2017
  • 2nd place IndieDevelopment Awards - the Netherlands - 2013
  • 2nd place Microsoft Imagine Cup - the Netherlands - 2009
  • 1st place Gasterra Transitie Jaarprijs - the Netherlands - 2009
  • 1st place Microsoft Imagine Cup - the Netherlands - 2008

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Stadslab, datalab en VR-lab

Minor Game Design & Development

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International opportunities

De Creative Software Developer

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