Bilal Hussain
RideGuardian: Your safety companion for every motorcycle journey.


RideGuardian: Your safety companion for every motorcycle journey.

Motorcyclists have a much higher risk of serious accidents than car drivers, being 57 times more likely to have an accident. This risk increases in winter because drivers are less used to seeing motorcyclists. When the weather improves, more accidents happen.

My solution is RideGuardian—a safety app designed to make motorcyclists safer on the road. RideGuardian gives real-time feedback on riding behavior and weather conditions, helping riders adjust their actions based on things like lean angle and road conditions. The app promotes safety awareness among motorcyclists on both public roads and tracks.

To make safety available to all riders, RideGuardian has a free version with essential safety features and a premium version with advanced tools for track enthusiasts, like detailed performance analysis and lap time feedback.

I am creating this app using Expo React Native, so it will be available for both iOS and Android users.

Screenshot voor project RideGuardian
Screenshot voor project RideGuardian
Screenshot voor project RideGuardian
Screenshot voor project RideGuardian

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