Licenseplate Communication App
Laurens Smid
Notify car owners via their licenseplate

Licenseplate Communication App

Notify car owners via their licenseplate

For my third year I built an application that helps people notify other car owners via their licenseplate.

Imagine you see a car where the owner forgot to turn their lights off. imagine you see a car which alarm is going off. Imagine you hit a car by accident when parking your own car. Or the other way around?

How do you notify the owner of the car? Or how does the other owner notify you?

When you hit another car you will mostly put a note on their windshield with your phone-number and a description of what happened. The problem is the note can get wet by the rain of can get blown away by the wind, and notifying the owner when you see their lights still on or when an alarm is going off is even harder.

The Licenseplate Communication App digitalizes the windshield note and makes it possible to send a direct message to car owners via their licenseplate.

I built this app in react-native and this was my first time using it. I started building for IOS and wanted to compile it for android later. I never saw so many errors in a project, I spent days fixing errors and the IOS version did not even make it to the app store in time.

Screenshot voor project Licenseplate Communication App
Screenshot voor project Licenseplate Communication App

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