Honest Skincare
Sena Babacan
A place where skincare is about sharing, not selling

Honest Skincare

A place where skincare is about sharing, not selling

In today's social media landscape, hidden marketing tactics are everywhere, especially in the skincare industry. Influencers often promote products only for the money, leading to false claims and unattainable beauty standards. This makes it difficult for consumers to find reliable skincare advice and can result in adverse effects from unsuitable products.

To address this problem, we created Honest Skincare, a community-driven platform. Our platform leaves behind influencers and commercial interests, focusing instead on genuine advice and recommendations from fellow users. At Honest Skincare, users create profiles detailing their skin type and concerns, allowing us to provide personalized content tailored to their unique needs. Our forum features topics and discussions relevant to individual skin issues, helping users find solutions that work for them.

Key functionalities of Honest Skincare include community guidelines, spam checks, and restriction on user's posting commission links. By eliminating follower counts and special badges, we ensure every user's voice is equally valued. This is all designed to minimize marketing influence.

By creating a space where skincare is about sharing experiences and knowledge, not selling products, Honest Skincare stands out as a reliable and supportive community for all skincare enthusiasts.

Screenshot voor project Honest Skincare
Screenshot voor project Honest Skincare
Screenshot voor project Honest Skincare
Screenshot voor project Honest Skincare

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