Efteling Echoes
Echoe your native language through the Efteling experience.

Efteling Echoes

Echoe your native language through the Efteling experience.

Efteling Echoes is a progressive web ap intended for mobile devices. The app will detect your system language(English, Frensh or German) and will play the audio of Efteling pre-shows in your chosen language. If your chosen lanuge is not in the list of supported languages English will be selected by default.

You can start the audio by clicking on the button for the pre-sho in question. However Efteling Echoes will automaticallly check your geolocation and check if your in the facinity of a suported ride. If this is the case the audio will start on its own.

If the audio is not synced up propperly don't wory. You can restart it with not isue by pressing the button of the pre-show again. The gps will not overrule your selection or restart by it self unles you walk into the facinity of a different pre-show first.

Its recomended to pres the download to Use offline button before using the app. This will ensure that the pwa will entirely work without a internet connection. This way you don't have to wory about running out of mobile data or not having a wifi connection within the Efteling theme park.

If the list of supported rides gets updated Efteling Echoes will automatically show the download button once more to inform you that new data is available for download. This way the app can entirely work without internet but can still update when a network connection is available.

I hope you enjoy your experience in the Efteling to the fullest while being able to follow along with the stories it has to offer.

Screenshot voor project Efteling Echoes
Screenshot voor project Efteling Echoes
Screenshot voor project Efteling Echoes
Screenshot voor project Efteling Echoes

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