Delivering packages in a crowded city where traffic by car is the bottleneck

Delivering packages in a crowded city where traffic by car is the bottleneck

During our TLE class, FedEx asked us to improve package delivery in cities using AI as a design material. During our design sprint we found a problem in the city of Amsterdam, in the old city centre delivery vehicles often block the road and get stuck in traffic due to the small narrow streets. This results into your packages being delayed.

We started thinking about reliable alternatives, Amsterdam is known for its many canals, which is why we choose to utilise those. Using an autonomous boat we act as a floating pickup point, navigating through the city. Next to the autonomy of our boat, we use our AI to plan our route accordingly with the locations of our users. Meaning will always be in the right place, whenever you want to pickup your package.

We built an android app, proof-of-concept artificially intelligent route planning and we refined the user-experience during this class, to pitch and show how our product could work to potential customers

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