100% Lactose free meals helping you reach your goals


100% Lactose free meals helping you reach your goals

If you're lactose intolerant, you know the struggle of finding suitable food options that meet your nutritional needs. The inability to consume dairy products limits your choices and can hinder your progress towards goals such as building muscle, losing weight, or gaining weight. Nutrition plays a crucial role in enabling your body and muscles to recover and make progress, making it essential for anyone engaged in regular training.

LactoFree is the ultimate solution to your lactose intolerance challenges, providing a simple three-step process to help you achieve your goals. Upon filling in your current information and desired objectives, the app generates a personalized plan tailored to your needs, complete with estimated timelines for success.

With LactoFree, you gain access to a wide-ranged database of 100% lactose-free meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Moreover, you can customize your own meals and seamlessly integrate them into the app. The app calculates the precise nutrient requirements you need to meet each day in order to achieve your specific goal, ensuring you never fall short of vital nutrients.

Screenshot voor project LactoFree

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