Cube Run Mobile
Danny Hu
Unity Indie Game

Cube Run Mobile

Unity Indie Game

Imagine you are a gamer or a twitch streamer, any form of playing games. And you are done with the games that you usually play, like shooter games or any retro games like mario. You are bored of playing those games, because you play the same games over and over again. So you eventually seek to play dumb silly games to play or share with friends. Especially games that are free or low in price. Because who cares about low quality games if you are going to have fun with it.

I have the solution for you as a gamer in general. My game “Cube Run'' is a skill based game, so you need skill to complete the game. You play as a cube and you need to dodge obstacles to reach the goal of each level. Simple game concept, but is not as easy as it seems. While dodging obstacles you also have to control the broken quirky movement mechanics and that is one of the reasons why you need skill.

Screenshot voor project Cube Run Mobile

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